SAVE 10% by Signing Up for at least One Academy by End of February

Leo Tabick

PGA Player Coach

Leo P. Tabick, a high-level professional golf coach, outstanding in his field and very accomplished, brings his expertise and experience to serious players of all ages. Through a hands-on golf curriculum that includes individual instruction and a personalized approach to learning, Leo takes seriously his students’ commitment to the challenges of playing golf at such a competitive level, and to the mechanical and mental focus necessary to compete.


To demonstrate your commitment to learning, Leo requires that if you opt for a 5 or 10-lesson package, it be completed within a 3 month timeframe for optimal benefit. To truly achieve improvement in your game, build muscle memory and internalize the lessons learned, weekly sessions plus practice on your own are necessary.

Leo P. Tabick, owner and operator of The Golf Performance Academy. He is an accomplished “Class A” PGA Professional with more than four decades of experience teaching adult and junior players who are serious competitors and committed to the game of golf.
Watch Leo P. Tabick’s library of video golf instructions. Learn how to create an efficient address routine, hitting out of the rough, maintaining shaft deflection, and developing a mental attitude that can carry you to the finish line.
Grip, posture and alignment are three areas that Leo focuses on because it connects the hands to the golf club. Fitting the golf club with the proper alignment, posture and grip is the pre-requisite for success.

Better Golf Performance APP

The Better Golf Performance APP provides a wide variety of information, video golf tips, podcasts, resources and more, it’s like having a golf coach in your pocket.


  • Monthly video Golf Sound Bites for greater detailed tips and training.
  • “Mind Mapping the Game of Golf” Podcast
  • News and updates on lessons, corporate events, and programs for junior players.
  • Enroll in classes or register for private lessons directly on the app.
  • 1-touch calling to Leo P. Tabick, PGA
  • Directions/map to Hyatt Hills Golf Complex
  • Alerts on: Specials; Discounts; Club fitting events

Cancellation Clause – 48 Hours for All Lessons!
All series packages (5 or 10 lessons) must be completed within 6 months of purchase date.
There are no refunds.