Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Wishing You a New Year of Possibilities!

As we continue our 2020 holiday celebrations, in whatever the “new normal” looks like for you, let’s remember that the future holds great possibilities: a solution to the pandemic in the form of successful vaccines, businesses back on track with widespread excitement to “get back out there”, and, let’s not forget, Golf!

The Golf Performance Academy has been planning for the new year with a renewed focus on helping those competitive players get ahead in 2021! 

I know it has been a tough year on all fronts, but I’m encouraged by the direction in which things seem to be moving. I look forward to greeting you back out on the driving range, putting green and fairway. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays and stay safe.

— Leo P. Tabick       

Revealing Your Swing

The perfect, hands-on ebook you can take with you to the golf course to have all the insights to the right grip, stance, foot position and swing for any type of shot you’re confronted with. Photos of each shot with commentary by Leo, will help make your game more enjoyable while lowering your score.

Order Yours TODAY >>

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